Case Study

British Business Bank: Investment Fund for Wales

As a capsule element of our long-standing, wider core work with the British Business Bank, we helped the Bank launch the £130m Investment Fund for Wales (IFW) in November 2023.

The launch campaign aimed to engage with Wales’ diverse audience of new and growing businesses and raise awareness of the opportunities available to them through the fund to boost productivity, innovation and job creation.

Our brief was to demonstrate through film and media relations, why the IFW was launching in Wales to drive sustainable economic growth, while aligning with the Bank’s ESG objectives of net zero and diversity & inclusion.


  • Raise awareness by positioning IFW as commercially sustainable funding through investment strategies that best meet the needs of smaller businesses across Wales
  • Raise awareness with the small business finance ecosystem, intermediaries and smaller businesses from all urban, coastal and rural areas
  • Engage stakeholders and create a sense of anticipation and excitement about the IFW within the small business finance ecosystem
  • Engage key stakeholders and create advocacy
  • Build trust and enhance the Bank’s reputation as an enabler of access to small business finance and provider of independent and impartial information on access to finance
0 M
audience reach
pieces of coverage
0 K
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Content from the Campaign

Through a combination of film, media relations and stakeholder events, we launched the £130m Investment Fund for Wales to engage with Wales’ growing SME business community.
  • We worked collaboratively with stakeholders to inform and reinforce outputs, including filming and editing with 3 Fund Managers / delivery partners at an onboarding event
  • We engaged with Wales media to secure buy-in and maximum exposure
  • We regionalised a launch press release to incorporate case studies specific to each area of Wales, with some aligning with the Bank’s wider net zero and diversity and inclusion strategic themes
  • We ensured parity in Welsh and English communications to demonstrate focus on hard to engage areas, where deployment levels were potentially lower