Case Study

Business Wales: Export Exemplars

An ambitious and creative integrated communications campaign, Export Exemplars aims to inspire more Welsh SMEs to start their exporting journey and contact Business Wales to support them to do so.

With a focus on media relations, film and generating engaging visual content for a targeted accompanying digital advertising strategy, the campaign has seen us shoot on locations all around the world, from here in Wales to Berlin, Dubai and New York. While the project commenced in 2018, seven years later it continues to evolve and grow, ensuring the business benefits of exporting remain at its core.

For the last four years the Export Exemplars campaign has been delivered in collaboration with digital marketing agency, iCrossing and integrated marketing agency, Orchard.


  • Encourage and inspire businesses in Wales to start their export journey or, for those already exporting, to expand their current export portfolio
  • Raise the profile of businesses in Wales currently exporting to inspire other Welsh SMEs
  • Raise awareness of Business Wales’ export services amongst businesses in Wales
  • Drive greater engagement online to Business Wales’ Export Zone
  • Increase export referrals to Business Wales
1 +
Export Exemplar case studies
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pieces of media coverage
campaign films, four of which ran on Sky TV
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PR reach from just four press releases in latest phase

Content from the Campaign

Through an integrated approach spanning media relations, social media, digital advertising, print, TV and radio, our campaign has helped raise the profile of Welsh exports worldwide.
  • 4 case study packages including film, photography, web content and media stories
  • A hero film shot on location in Berlin, ready to air on Sky AdSmart in the New Year
  • The LinkedIn digital advertising campaign delivered impressive open rates, view through rates, click through rates, engagement rates and lead rates that considerably out-performed LinkedIn industry averages and forecasts
  • Live social media work at the Welsh Government’s #ExploreExportWales conferences 
  • A five-page export themed supplement was published in the March 16th edition of the Western Mail, featuring a thought leadership article by Minister for the Economy Vaughan Gething and an extensive list of some of Wales’ most successful exporters