Case Study

Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales

The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales was set up in 2021 to look at how Wales is governed and options for change. The group of 11 Commission members represented a range of diverse backgrounds to bring variety of expertise and political views. We worked with the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales from its formation in October 2021 through until the launch of its final report in January 2023. The Commission was established by the Welsh Government with two  broad objectives: To consider and develop options for fundamental reform of the constitutional structures of the United Kingdom and to consider and develop all progressive principal options to strengthen Welsh democracy and deliver improvements for the people of Wales.


  • Look for innovative ways to start building awareness of the Commission’s work
  • Drive engagement with the Commission, in particular through the Dweud Eich Dweud survey and purpose-built engagement platform
  • Educate audiences about the current constitutional structures of Wales and the United Kingdom as well as explaining the options for the future
  • Secure media opportunities for individual Commissioners
  • Monitor media and social media presence of the Commission as well as general attitudes towards it
  • Drive media interest and public awareness of the launch of the final report in January 2024
pieces of broadcast coverage
pieces of print and online coverage
videos produced for social media
bilingual content for social media

Content from the Campaign

We worked with the Commission across its entire two year journey to engage communities across Wales in its work, and shared its results across Wales, the UK and Europe.
  • Reworked the Commission’s output to suit a variety of audiences
  • Adapted the Commission’s branding to suit a variety of digital and physical outputs
  • Delivered multiple press releases and diary markers
  • Provided 22 months and 1,737 curated posts of bilingual content for social media across channels created on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as well as the Commission’s own platform
  • Managed the communication around a roadshow that visited each of Wales’ 22 Local Authorities Areas
  • Secured 165 pieces of coverage across print, broadcast and online, in Wales, UK, Europe and further including BBC , the Daily Mail, Sky News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation and more
  • Worked collaboratively with stakeholders to maximise reach, including the Welsh Government and the third sector
  • Produced 49 videos for social media