Case Study

Literature Wales: Tŷ Newydd

Tŷ Newydd is a haven for empowering, enriching and brightening lives. We helped position the National Writing Centre and the north Wales home of Literature Wales, through the delivery of a bilingual, integrated PR, film and social media campaign.


  • Boost the participation and sales of Tŷ Newydd’s Dy Bennod Nesaf residential, day-long and virtual courses for 2024
  • Position the courses as a unique and long-term investment despite the disruption of the pandemic and ongoing cost of living crisis.
  • Deliver a high-profile launch for Tŷ Newydd’s 2024 programme by reaching new audiences, engaging current ones and securing national media coverage
  • Create an engaging digital communications campaign, amalgamating paid and unpaid social media
  • Create and implement a marketing plan promoting Tŷ Newydd’s brand and building a campaign legacy by working with advocates to ensure their continued support of the historic centre
  • Improve SEO and update web copy
  • Create a suite of compelling and refreshed content and website assets
0 K
total website clicks across Meta & Google AdWords
0 K
total impressions across Meta & Google AdWords
bespoke graphics created
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Guardian coverage

Content from the Campaign

All activity focused on the overarching ambition to increase awareness and subscriptions to courses. This included:
  • An overarching campaign name, Your Next Chapter / Dy Bennod Nesaf, to increase awareness of the 2024 course programme and  extensive learning opportunities offered at the National Writing Centre in its 30th year. This generated a double-page spread in the Western Mail and a WM Weekend magazine feature.
  • Hit the headlines on the Guardian front page as journalist Jude Rogers asked ‘can anyone could write a hit song?’ after we arranged for her to stay at Tŷ Newydd and review the Poetry and Songwriting course.
  • Invited Lloyd George’s Prime Minister successors Sunak, Blair, Cameron and co to stay at the centre to improve their writing skills (and political memoirs) in a playful tactic which secured media coverage.
  • Created three compelling films to highlight the magic of Tŷ Newydd. A Hero film of real-life testimonials, and a Wes Anderson-style house tour, as well as behind-the-scenes ‘Day in the Life’ footage, introducing the Centre’s wonderful, welcoming characters and team.
  • Secured broadcast coverage on Radio Cymru.
  • Created 74 bespoke graphics and implemented digital marketing assets across Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and designed a stakeholder toolkit featuring useful background info and templates for disseminating this across stakeholders’ own channels.
  • Ran Meta ads and Google AdWords to encourage people to attend  courses.