The Week That Was #333

1.“Playing football gave me confidence back, it’s given me my life back”

They’re the words of Sarah Frohwein. A football lover as a young girl in Port Talbot, her journey became complicated in adulthood with unstable accommodation leaving her family and five-year-old daughter in limbo.

Add in a heartbreaking miscarriage and Sarah’s mental health took a nosedive as she took to self-harming. Discovering Street Football Wales marked an upturn, culminating in representing her country at the Homeless World Cup in Oslo in 2017.

Now a mother of two, Sarah’s story reached a new high recently with a referee appearance at annual street football tournament, the Wroclaw Cup in Poland. We helped Sarah share her story with Nation.Cymru and she’s proud to be able to give hope to others in a similar situation. 

2. Vox-popped to the top for GCSE results day

This week we captured the excitement of GCSE results day as Gower College Swansea welcomed new students to enrolment day at its Tycoch campus.

As hundreds of students arrived to collect their results and take their first steps in a variety of new courses and career paths, our team were on hand to document and share their successes. There were laughs, tears of joy, and cupcakes!

From our onsite film and social media editing bay, we turned our student interviews and behind-the-scenes footage into some cracking content to celebrate the day. Check them out on Instagram Facebook and Twitter.

3. Turning Big Ideas into Rising Stars with Wales Business Insider

Wales Business Insider Rising Stars list is an annual shout-out to the 25 of the most inspirational entrepreneurs in Wales. This year, it features two of our Big Ideas Wales entrepreneurs: Saadia Abubaker of Saadia Speaks, and Lydia Hitchings of Rosy Cheeks Swim.

Sharing the challenges of owning a business alongside their ambitions for the future, we were thrilled to once again offer the media microphone to driven entrepreneurs born from Big Ideas Wales.

Click here to check out Saadia and Lydia’s feature or pick up a copy of Wales Business Insider today.

4. Calling out for learners to Choose Cymraeg Lefel A!

Alongside Welsh Government and Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, we’ve made it our mission to broaden the horizons of learners through our Choose Lefel A Cymraeg campaign.

We’ve partnered up with a collection of individuals across Wales to promote the endless benefits of the Welsh language, feeding advice and inspiration into vibrant, first-person social posts and expanding positive Welsh experiences into a toolkit to be shared with schools and parents.

And this week, our Choose Lefel A Cymraeg film went live. Check it out here.

5. Talking external funding with British Business Bank

Back in June, British Business Bank’s Bethan Bannister spoke with technology startups, advisers and funders at the Wales Business Insider Business Growth Roundtable Event. She spoke on the pros and cons of external finance, the importance of collaboration with funding partners and the rise of venture capital across the tech sectors.

The latest issue of Insider has a summary of key discussion points from the event, including the future of AI and its impact on business, prominence of early investment in R&D development stages, and the future of debt and equity funding in Wales. Pick up a copy to read the feature article in full or view the digital edition here.