The Week That Was #384

1. Helping people to discover Carmarthenshire

We’ve been working with Discover Carmarthenshire for a number of years now to help keep their social channels well populated with information on all the county has to offer to both residents and visitors alike. And with so much going on across Carmarthenshire throughout the summer holidays we’ve been posting regularly, outlining all of the activities and events taking place to assist desperate parents with some action packed itineraries for their little ones, as well as options for those enjoying more grown up adventures, with recommendations for great walking and cycling routes, excellent pubs and off the beaten path recommendations.

2. Making #PestSmart moves with companion planting

Feeling the pressure of pests? Check out our influencer Naomi from NaomiGrows and presenter for Garddio a Mwy taking a PestSmart approach by using companion planting!

Companion planting, or planting things among other plants to attract beneficial insects and repel destructive bugs, is one of the many natural methods suggested by Welsh Water’s PestSmart initiative which encourages people to limit their use of pesticides in favour of natural methods that won’t harm people, pets, or wildlife.

Check out Naomi’s post on Instagram @NaomiGrows to see how PestSmart solutions like companion planting can help you reach your gardening goals.

3. Last chance to have your say about the future of Wales

A national conversation is taking place about the options for democracy in Wales, which is being run by our client the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales. The consultation was launched at the end of 2021 to look at constitutional options for Wales’ future and started a national conversation with Welsh citizens on how their country is run. It is now in its final month of speaking to Wales’ citizens. To ensure we are talking to the most people across Wales, we are running digital campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Google Display Network, and Google AdWords to encourage people to have their say by filling in a survey which will inform the Commission’s Final Report, which will be published in December 2023.

4. Creating opportunities for teens following results day

With the summer holidays coming to an end and schools starting back imminently, some teens may feel at odds with their future and don’t know what path to take. For our client Itec, we launched a multi-platform social media ad campaign targeting both teens and their parents and sharing the benefits of the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme. Jobs Growth Wales+ helps teens reach their goals no matter their situation with bespoke support and guidance. Keep an eye out on Instagram, Facebook, or Tik Tok for our ads and visit the Itec website for more information on Jobs Growth Wales+.

5. Making memories, not mess with Keep Wales Tidy

Did you know it costs around £70 million every year to clean up litter around Wales? And not just litter on our shores and on our streets, but overflowing bin litter too! That’s right. If you put rubbish on or – almost – in the bin, that counts as littering! As we prepare for the very last weekend of the summer holidays, we’ve been helping our client, Keep Wales Tidy, encourage more people to go that extra mile and take their rubbish home with them. By encouraging more people to Make Memories, Not Mess, we can pay our country the respect it deserves, keep it looking beautiful and tidy, and help other people to enjoy Cymru’s most scenic, fun spots as much as we do! You can find out how to Make Memories, Not Mess by following Keep Wales Tidy here.