Case Study

Welsh Blood Service: Blood, Sweat and Cheers

Welsh Blood Service became the first community partner of the Football Association of Wales’ JD Cymru Leagues and Genero Adran Leagues, using clubs place at the heart of communities to drive donations. Our Blood, Sweat and Cheers campaign has been ongoing since 2019 and raises awareness around donations and their ability to save thousands of lives.




  •         Engage as many clubs as possible across the leagues to take part in the campaign
  •         Drive click-throughs to the website
  •         Ultimately, drive blood donations
league clubs all engaged- that’s every club
0 +
direct appointments
lives potentially saved
click-throughs on bespoke club link

Content from the Campaign

Every club in the JD Cymru Leagues has engaged with the campaign to date, with over 300 fans donating which could go on to save over 1000 lives in Wales. Our campaign goal of brings football clubs across Wales together with one common goal: to give blood and save lives. Fans are passionate about their community clubs and our campaign taps into that bond to boost blood donations.
  • Created a bilingual brand- Blood, Sweat and Cheers- playing on the passion and authenticity of the leagues
  • Engaged every club across the men’s and women’s leagues to take part in the campaign
  • Storyboarded and shot a promotional film using TV football commentators to bring a sense of sport to the donation process
  • Created two April Fools stories which got great online traction- the first around the leagues changing their pitch markings from white to red, the second in 2022 claiming substitutes would be banned (because there’s no substitute for blood!)